The Torn Veil —– Gulshan Esther

by Colin Dexter

“why hadn’t I been healed, though I had prayed for three years? … why was there no answer, only this stony silence in the room, that mocked my prayers.  I said  his name again, and pleaded my case in despair. Still there was no answer. Then I cried out in a fever of pain, ‘ If you are able to,heal me – otherwise tell me’ I could go no further along the road.


What happened next is something I find it hard to put into words. I know that the whole room filled with light. … I covered myself were with my shawl. I was so frightened. … the doors and the windows were shut. I then became aware of figures in long robes, standing in the midst of the light, some feet from  my bed. There were 12 figures in a row.  …..I bowed my head and I prayed. ‘ O God who are these people?’


Suddenly a voice said, ‘Get up. This is the path you have been seeking. I am Jesus son of Mary, to whom you have been praying. …you get up and come to me.    I started to weep. ‘ O Jesus I am crippled. I can’t get up’

He said ‘stand up and come to me. I am Jesus’  When I hesitated he said again a second & third time.

And I, Gulshan Fatima, who had beeb crippled on my bed 19yrs, felt new strength flowing into my wasted limbs. I put my foot on the ground and stood up.

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