So far this year CAP UK helped 1,005 people become debt free. We think each and every one of them deserves a cheer! -CAP is on a mission to equip people with the skills and support they need to break free from poverty. No matter how bad things might be, there’s always hope.-So if you know someone who could use help getting out of debt, let them know they can call us for free on
0800 328 0006
.-When our Debt Coaches first visit a new client’s home, they aren’t just there to offer our award-winning debt counselling service.-If the cupboards are empty, they can access emergency food deliveries. If the client needs a friendly face to talk to, who understands their situation, volunteer befrienders are ready to step in.
-The care offered by our Debt Centres is holistic, which is why we’re able to see so many lives completely changed.