Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

CAP (Christians against Poverty)

by Colin Dexter

So far this year CAP UK helped 1,005 people become debt free. We think each and every one of them deserves a cheer! 🎉-CAP is on a mission to equip people with the skills and support they need to break free from poverty. No matter how bad things might be, there’s always hope.-So if you know someone who could use help getting out of debt, let them know they can call us for free on ☎️ 0800 328 0006☎️.-When our Debt Coaches first visit a new client’s home, they aren’t just there to offer our award-winning debt counselling service.-If the cupboards are empty, they can access emergency food deliveries. If the client needs a friendly face to talk to, who understands their situation, volunteer befrienders are ready to step in.💪-The care offered by our Debt Centres is holistic, which is why we’re able to see so many lives completely changed.

May be an image of text that says "1,005 So far this year 1,005 people have become debt free! *Correct as of 16 July Correct"

Ty Sign Tots

by Colin Dexter

Today was our last Tots for the summer!! A big thank you to everyone who has attended our sessions over the last few weeks, we hope you have enjoyed yourselves!!All of us at Tots have loved seeing you again, meeting new people and seeing so many happy smiley faces! 😊We hope you all have a lovely summer☀️ stay safe and we will be in touch about when we start back in September!We will weather permitting meet up at Risca park on August 9th and 23rd from 10 until 12 or longer if it’s nice and people want to picnic! There will be balls and frisbees for the older ones and some of our tots toys! We would love to see you if you are available!!

Keswick Ministries

by Colin Dexter

I told him I didn’t want to be a hypocrite.

by Colin Dexter

Inner Peace

by Colin Dexter

On the sidelines, a member of manager Gareth Southgate’s coaching team is Chris Powell, who is also a Christian. “It gives me a sort of inner-peace, a sort of well-being,” Powell has said of his Christian faith. “I live my life for this way, and that’s because of the Lord and what has happened, and what he done to save me, and save everyone. It gives me a great joy to know that the Lord is around me at all times.”

Tribute to Joel Edwards

by Colin Dexter

Tributes have been paid to the former head of the Evangelical Alliance, Joel Edwards, who passed away from cancer on Wednesday morning.Edwards was a British immigrant from Jamaica and started out as a probation officer, a role he held for 14 years.In a rich and varied career, he served as senior pastor of Mile End New Testament Church of God and was an honorary Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral.But he spent the best part of his career as a figurehead for evangelicals, joining the African and Caribbean Evangelical Alliance in 1988, and then going on to lead the UK Evangelical Alliance as General Director from 1997 until 2009.

ALBANIA – Bible translation

by Colin Dexter

After 20yrs of hard work and commitment form the translation team the Albanian Bible is finally completed.

(Bible Society)


by Colin Dexter

CAP stands for Christians Against Poverty. CAP is a charity offering free debt counselling here in the UK to whoever needs it (no need to be a Christian – that’s a common misconception.)👍-All their services are run through local churches, meaning they are able to pair each person up with someone in their local area. The churches are then able to support them through the debt help process (collecting paperwork, etc) as well as offering emotional and practical support where requested / needed

Faith in Christ

by Colin Dexter

Donya decided to follow Jesus, but Tahar took a while to be convinced. When he did eventually put his faith in Jesus, he felt an instantaneous change:” it was like that burden came off my shoulders” Tahar says ” the burden I thought I would have- to give an account for my sins when I died- came off. It felt like I was flying. It was the most beautiful moment of my life”

(Refugees in Turkey)

O[en Doors


by Colin Dexter

To ensure we recover together from the pandemic, Tearfund is partnering with the People’s Vaccine Alliance to campaign for everyone in every country to have fair and free access to a tested Covid-19 vaccine.