Archive for the ‘Discussions’ Category

I found the Bible Interesting

by Colin Dexter

But the final nail in the coffin of Larry Sanger’s dwindling resistance to belief in God, came when he began to study the Bible.

“I adopted the YouVersion Bible app”, Larry writes, “and immediately made Bible study a serious hobby.”

“I found the Bible far more interesting and—to my shock—coherent than I was expecting. I found it could sustain interrogation; who knew?” 

Larry set out to re-examine the arguments for the existence of God. Then, as he began to read the gospels, he was converted “quiet and uncomfortable” to Christianity,

CURIOUS ABOUT FAITH Liberty Church Feb 3rd

by Colin Dexter

The Unconditional Love of God

by Colin Dexter

We asked the question – where in the Bible would you take someone to demonstrate the unconditional love of God. I think the conclusion was just about anywhere. God is love and the Bible is a book demonstrating persistent love to humans and the love shown is always unconditional. Blessings might come with a caveat but the love is , to use a biblical word, everlasting.

Tyndale burned for translating the Bible

by Colin Dexter

On October 6, 1536, William Tyndale was strangled and burned at the stake for translating the Scriptures into English for the common man. He was accused of heresy and given an opportunity to recant, but used his last words to pray with a loud voice, “Lord, open the King of England’s eyes!”

Within four years of his death, several English translations of the Bible were published in England at the King’s request, all based on Tyndale’s work.

Joni on what it means to follow Jesus

by Colin Dexter

321course Speak Life

by Colin Dexter

321 is a course that invites you to see life the way Jesus does.
Inspired by Jesus’ vision of reality, 321 is designed to help you think about God, the world and yourself through immersive videos and thoughtful illustrations.

Bible Project Ruth

by Colin Dexter

BIBLE PROJECT Ecclesiastes What is life?

by Colin Dexter


by Colin Dexter

Flowering plants appeared on Earth relatively recently on a geological timescale, then swiftly diversified in an explosion of colour, shape and form.

“In the fossil record they appear very suddenly in the Cretaceous, , and they appear in considerable diversity,” (in keeping with what its says in Genesis 1 )

Darwin was deeply bothered by how flowering plants conquered the world seemingly in the blink of an eye, This problem preyed his mind in his final months.”

So we ask an evolutionary biologist. IS THE MYSTERY SOLVED?

In short, no. “One hundred and forty years later, the mystery’s still unsolved,”


by Colin Dexter

For everyone who has prayed sometime in their life this must be part of their experience of praying

Listen to session 5 of the prayer course on this topic

Wednesday 7.30pm online with Zoom to discuss wthe others

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