Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

by Colin Dexter

by Colin Dexter

by Colin Dexter

by Colin Dexter

by Colin Dexter

by Colin Dexter

Book Club

by Colin Dexter

The Bible Book Club began on Monday, the 3rd of July at 8 Twmbarlwm Close, 7 to 7:30 pm. The book we read was Ruth and everyone was given a chance to express their opinions and suppositions on what might have happened if certain things hadn’t worked out just the way they did. Cake and coffee/tea/cold drinks were served and fellowship was great. Our God is very good to us.

The next Bible Book Club will be on Monday 7 Aug and will be led by Jan Owen. She is telling us at church today which book we are reading. The location is the same.

by Colin Dexter

by Colin Dexter

by Colin Dexter