Archive for the ‘General’ Category

by Colin Dexter

here to help

Local policing priorities for Risca East

by Colin Dexter

Consultation with the community has identified the following priorities in this neighbourhood.


Dog Fouling – Along the Canal, Between Thistle Way – Moriah Hill

Parking Problems – Thistle Way, Close To Elm Drive.

Speeding – Speeding, Elm Drive Near To Ty-sign Primary School.

Issued 21 August, 2014

Mums & Tots September 2014

by Colin Dexter

Hi all hope u have enjoyed the holidays!! September and back to school are looming but here’s something to look forward to – ty sign tots will be starting again on Monday 8th September 9.30 – 11.30, hope to see you there!!

by Colin Dexter


Caerphilly & Newport Young Carers

by Colin Dexter

Barnardo’s Caerphilly & Newport Young Carers Service offices are based in Risca and Newport. We deal with young carers between age 7 and 25 years in the Caerphilly and Newport Boroughs.

Our aims are:

  • to provide you with a break from your caring role
  • to support you when you feel frustrated and angry
  • to get you the right help so that you are able to get some time to yourself
  • to help you access the information you need to be a young carer
  • to work with other people so that you are able to continue your education.

Do you help your parents to do the shopping, washing, ironing? Do you look help to look after your brother or sister? Do any of your parents suffer from mental health problems? Do your parents misuse drugs or alcohol? Do you struggle with your school/college because of your caring responsibilities? Do you have any health problems yourself?

Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm, we are at

Address:    Caerphilly Young Carers Service,59 Commercial Road,
NP11 6AW
Phone     01633 612712
Fax          01633 615924

After that time we have an answer phone. Leave a message and we’ll get back to you.

Our office in Newport is based at

Newport Young Carers
114 Lower dock Street
NP20 2AF

01633 251192


If you are experiencing any of these things, our service can help. Being a young carer is a very important job and this service is just for people like you.

Hoedown & Showdown Family Fun Day

by Colin Dexter

12th July Tredegar Park, Risca

IT’S TIME all of Parliament woke up to extreme persecution

by Colin Dexter

The persecution of Christians in Nigeria and Iraq illustrates the serious way in which freedom of religion or belief is being denied to so many. Surely every MP in the House of Commons should take a serious interest in this?

This is why we are pleased to see that Christians on the Left, a group affiliated to the Labour Party, are hosting an event with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief specifically to engage with and inspire Labour MPs about freedom of religion or belief.

“International Religious Freedom – the next human rights frontier?” will be held on 8 July at 5pm in Committee Room 20, Parliament, and is a brilliant opportunity for Labour MPs to get involved in the discussion.

Slavery reports in Wales ‘tip of iceberg’

by Colin Dexter

Reported cases of slavery in Wales are the “tip of the iceberg” a government expert has said.

The Welsh government’s anti-slavery co-ordinator Stephen Chapman told BBC Wales they just “don’t know how big that iceberg is”.

Mr Chapman appealed to communities to reported suspected cases of slavery.

Coal Industry & Social welfare organisation

by Colin Dexter

In total, CISWO now runs 15 clubs in former South Wales coalfield areas, which give members a chance to socialise with other women whose loved ones worked underground, as well as providing support, advice on a variety of issues and regular excursions

If you, your wife, husband or partner worked in any department of the coal industry, or if you are a dependent child of a former coal mining employee and would like more information about CISWO’s services or social groups, visit or contact Phil Williams on 01443 485233 or

by Colin Dexter

5th July Agape