Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Good Friday At TLC shop

by Colin Dexter

Come and join us tomorrow at the TLC for a free cuppa and hot cross bun and craft for all the family.( cake decorating, design an egg cup, make paper flowers, design an egg.). Space in the back room for quiet contemplation.

by Colin Dexter


by Colin Dexter

Hope Wins

by Colin Dexter

Easter at the TLC

by Colin Dexter

Spring Harvest

by Colin Dexter

Glory Of Easter

by Colin Dexter


Caring For Those affected by prison

by Colin Dexter

Gweini conference will be held on Wednesday 4 March.Caring for those affected by prison’ will be held at Waterfront Community Church, Langdon Road, Swansea SA1 8QY.

The keynote speaker for the conference, which will run from 10am-3:15pm, will be Paul Cowley from ‘Caring for Ex-Offenders’ plus other contributors. It will also see the launch of our prisons directory for Christians in Wales.


The cost of the conference will be £10 including a light lunch, or £6 for concessions (over 65, students, unemployed)

by Colin Dexter


VISION OF HOPE Sunday March 1st

by Colin Dexter