Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Housing Justice Roadshow

by Colin Dexter

Vine Centre,Bridgend,CF31 1LW

Thurs 29 January 10am-3pm

The first such roadshow to be held in Wales. Here is an opportunity to find out more about the work of Housing Justice and to learn how churches can be part of the solution to the housing need.

by Colin Dexter

The Pursuit of God

New drive to cut the amount of sugar Welsh children eat and drink

by Colin Dexter

A new drive to help families across Wales cut back on the amount of sugar they eat each week has been launched by the Welsh Government.

The Change4Life Sugar Swap campaign is aimed at families with children aged four to 11 and offers tips on how to replace sugary foods with other options.

Families can sign-up for a free Sugar Swaps pack to help them get started and get advice on how to change their eating habits.

by Colin Dexter


Fork over Knives – Film 23rd Jan , 7pm Church on the Rise, Beaufort

by Colin Dexter

This is a documentary film that advocates a low-fat, whole-food, plant based diet as a means of combating a number of diseases.

ICE Thanksgiving Service

by Colin Dexter

Monday 19th January

at 7.30. Bethesda, Rogerstone.

Guest Speaker:
Rev Jeremy Bailey
(Port Talbot)
Everyone is Welcome

Risca Police Station

by Colin Dexter

Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner Ian Johnston has pledged to keep police stations in Caerphilly, Ystrad Mynach and Risca open.

by Colin Dexter



by Colin Dexter

A spokesman for homeless charity Shelter Cymru said: “We certainly agree that things are getting more difficult for a lot of people for a range of reasons connected with welfare reform, cost of living and low incomes.

“One worrying trend we have identified is the rise in social housing evictions in 2014, which does seem to support Cais’s view that people are running out of options.”

The Welsh government said more than £11m will be spent on tackling homelessness in the 2015/16 financial year.

A spokesman said the latest figures showed an 8% fall in homelessness between April and June 2014, which he described as “promising”.

“In April next year, the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 will come into effect which puts a greater emphasis on preventing people from losing their home and providing better services to those who are homeless,” he added.

AirAsia crash killed 41 members of one church

by Colin Dexter

The tragic loss of Air Asia Flight 8501,which fell into the Java Sea on December 28 on the way from Surabaya in Indonesia to Singapore, has hit Surabaya’s Christian community especially hard.

Fully a quarter of the 162 passengers and crew who died were from one church. Pastor Philip Mantofa of Sura-baya’s Mawar Sharon Church discovered that 41 of his congregation were on the plane, most of them travelling to Singapore on holiday.