Archive for the ‘News’ Category

by Colin Dexter

christmas  12th dec

Christmas through the keyhole -Moriah Baptist Church

by Colin Dexter

News From Moriah

This Christmas we are really pleased to be running an interactive, multi-sensory trail called Christmas Through the Keyhole.  Between 1st-5th December it is open to all the local primary schools in Risca and then on Saturday 6th December we will make it available to the public.

The trail allows you to explore this key Christian festival in a whole new way by immersing yourself in the story. You are invited to look through the keyhole into the homes of the nativity characters and collect clues about the character who lives there. By collecting the clues, you gather information about each character and gradually build a picture of how each one became involved in this amazing series of events surrounding a tiny baby.

If you would like to bring some pupils to the trail, please complete the attached booking form indicating your first, second and third choice of time slots. The trail takes about 1 hour 15 minutes to complete and each class needs to be accompanied by one adult for every 10 pupils. Please be aware that there will be stairs to negotiate on the trail. Christmas is always exciting but helping people to explore the real story is makes it even more exciting.

Risca Christmas Market

by Colin Dexter

Risca Christmas Market & Lantern Parade

Tredegar Park, Caerphilly, NP11 6BW, Wales

06 December 2014

Be sure to visit Street Pastors stall & maybe cakes from the stall run by Moriah?



by Colin Dexter

street pasorr

by Colin Dexter

violence against women

PACT -(partnership & communities together)

by Colin Dexter

TLC Cafe, Elm Drive

6pm 1 December, 2014


TLC Cafe, Elm Drive

Residents are invited to attend the public meetings to find out what their neighbourhood police officers and partners have been doing to address local priorities, and to help identify what issues are having the greatest impact in the community.

by Colin Dexter

Risca street Pastors

Sunday 23rd 10.30am

by Colin Dexter

Welcome to Nathan Davies from CAP (Christians against Poverty).

Please come & hear what he has to say.

by Colin Dexter

Commissioning Poster

by Colin Dexter

16th nov