Archive for the ‘News’ Category

by Colin Dexter

John Archer

June 12th Thursday

by Colin Dexter

Joint Connect groups Meeting together. Community Hall 7-30pm

by Colin Dexter


by Colin Dexter

calling all parents

by Colin Dexter

Colston hall

CAP Money Course

by Colin Dexter

Bethesda Baptist Rogerstone

Starts: Thursday 12 June 2014, 7:00pm
Contact: Debbie/James/Geraint/Caroline (07933528054)

by Colin Dexter


by Colin Dexter

Spirit of Love

Cardiff & Valley Churches June 8th

by Colin Dexter

Just a reminder that Cardiff and Valley churches are getting together to celebrate Pentecost

again this year; 6.00 pm at Glenwood Church, Cardiff on June 8th.

June 7th Sat

by Colin Dexter

Agape will be meeting at Croesheollyd Farm from 8.30am to 2pm for a morning of worship reflection, encouragement & sharing