Archive for the ‘News’ Category

No shadow of a doubt


The Sparx children contributed to Agape’s Easter Service by performing an Easter shadow play and singing a song for us. Here are some photos from the play. 

Sparx Easter Shadow Play

Their involvement was a resounding success and we’d like to thank them all for their hard work and also the Sparx workers for their efforts and the Sparx parents for their support.

Have a Happy Easter. 

Carbon fast for lent


Lent is here and we all know that giving up chocolate is a real sacrifice for many but you have to admit that it’s got a little old now. So if you’re looking for a new idea, Anne Thomas’ cell group is doing a Carbon Fast for lent.

The idea is to find a new way to reduce your carbon usage for every day of lent. If you’d like to join with the group in doing this you can find out more information on the Tearfund website. Check out for ideas and information.

If you do decide to give it a go then please let us know how you are getting along.

Haiti update from Ceri…

by Liz Owen

Hi everyone!

Firstly can I say thank you for the money you have given me towards my trip. It was perfect timing as the night after you had the church meeting my car got stolen so it was very good to have some encouragement!

I was also excited to see how interested everyone was in the work going on in Haiti. As you may have noticed before Christmas, I didn’t know too much about what I was getting into so a lot of what you were hearing from Martin and  Carwyn was the first time I was hearing it too. It’s strange not being at Agape very much yet getting so much support from you – a perfect example of family and community! Thank you so much! It was great to see everyone getting behind it and I can’t wait to bore you with little stories and hopefully some photos!! (Bring some popcorn as it could be a long night!)

It’s less than a week before I go and I’m so excited!! I still have so much to do (like pack. get insurance, borrow a suitcase, buy a mosquito net etc – help! I didn’t realise I had that much left to do!)

Just to put some prayer points down for you to keep in kind and occasionally utter to the Big Man:

  • I couldn’t get a Hep B injection so prayers of protection for that (as well as general health things) would be immense)
  • Flight arrangements and flight safety
  • Haiti is a dangerous place (kidnappings and the like)  so please pray for personal safety
  • I’m leaving my Manchester house relatively empty while I’m away so protection for that and for me not to worry about it!! (Also my washing machine and toilet have started leaking…little things like that!)
  • I’d really like a suntan please!

And for the not so self-centred prayer requests:

  • Prayer for Mum, Dad, Hannah etc who may be a little worried… ok, so just mum then!
  •  That lots of work on the hospital gets done
  • That we see God do lots of amazing stuff

Well, I’m off to do all the stuff I have to do so that I won’t be panicked and can just be excited!

Love to you all,


p.s. I have a new mobile number and a home number (like a real adult) Hannah or Mum/Dad should be able to pass them on. It will cost a lot to text while I’m away but before the 4th and from the 18th I’d love to hear from you!


Youth in and out of Agape

by Liz Owen

Check out:

Comments welcome…

Think again as Radio 4 interprets Luke’s Gospel

by Liz Owen

From Dec 17-21, BBC Radio 4 will be broadcasting a new series of radio plays entitled ‘Witness’, these plays intend to creatively and faithfully, recount the story of Jesus according to Luke.

According to Mike Thompson, the biblical consultant for the project, “The aim is not to reproduce the exact words from Luke, but to be deliberatively imaginative in allowing some of the participants in the story to reminisce and to share some of the bits they remembered. There is no claim in the series to be strictly representing history. Although Nick made every attempt to stick only to material from the third evangelist, he has felt free not to follow a ‘strict’ Lukan chronology. We got that idea from Luke himself, who also moves things around to make his point!”

“Listeners should be prepared to hear Jesus and the rest of the cast say a number of things that are not in the bible. We are hoping that ‘Witness’ will make the story of Jesus accessible to a wide range of people, sparking interest and motivating them to read the bible to learn more. I suspect that the project may arouse some protests from those on the extremes of the spectrum of belief; having already listened to pre-release copies of the first three plays, I think people will find it provocative and moving. As one would expect of the BBC, it’s been well-produced, using fine actors. Because Galileans had discernible accents, Jesus has a northern UK accent which will take some getting used to. The important thing is that the series makes us think again.”

“The 45-minute plays are currently scheduled to be broadcast at 2.15 pm GMT. People who miss the broadcasts will be able to listen to them streamed from the Radio 4 website, but I don’t know if CDs or a DVD of the recordings will be made available from the BBC. For some details, see the BBC website, which has just announced it: They may have more information as the week draws near.”


by Colin Dexter

Just to let people know that OM’s (Operation Mobilisation) largest ship leaves Croatia to prepare for ministry.

I believe the ship will visit several ports in the UK in Autumn 2008.

There is a webcam on board apparently: /

Youth worker joins Agape team

by Liz Owen

The youth ministry at Agape is growing and developing with the addition of a part-time youth worker who will be based on the Ty-Sign estate. Working within the church, colleges, local schools and in ‘detached’ work on the estate, Rebecca Owen is a welcome addition to the community.

For more information on the work to be undertaken, please read the youth pages and watch this space!