Archive for the ‘Prayer requests’ Category


by Colin Dexter


Praying For Laos

by Colin Dexter

The human rights situation in Laos is poor, with all religious activity heavily monitored and restricted at both the local and national levels of government. 

The government is also not consistent in how it administers the freedoms it provides to those groups who are officially registered. 

For example, in February 2024 a church building was destroyed in Kaleum Vangke village on the orders of one of the village elders despite the fact the government had granted the Protestant group the right to gather.

We can respond by praying, in faith, knowing that it can and will make a difference.

CSW July 24


by Colin Dexter


by Colin Dexter

by Colin Dexter

NOTICES 29.5.16 (4)

by Colin Dexter

day of prayer syria

by Colin Dexter


Wycliffe Bible Translators

by Colin Dexter

Some of you may remember that I worked in the Cerma (or Gouin) project for a number of years when I was in Burkina Faso. Here’s some good news for you: it’s been a long haul, but the New Testament has finally been typeset! Like all Bible translation, it has been a marathon rather than a sprint – and is definitely something to celebrate. It’s now in South Korea to be printed. Please pray for the Lord’s protection over it, and that the translated Scriptures will be received with joy, and well used. The dedication should take place some time next year, and I’m hoping things will work out for me to plan my next visit to Burkina around it.

Please pray too for renewed peace and stability in Burkina Faso, where there has been a certain amount of unrest lately. Burkina’s southern neighbour Ivory Coast may be out of the news headlines now, but still desperately needs prayer.

By the way, if any of you haven’t yet seen the latest issue of ‘Words for Life’, it has an interview with me in it. It can be downloaded from  From ( Laura D )

Prayer Request

by Colin Dexter

For Thornwell Primary School (Chepstow)that has had a serious fire that has damaged/wiped out the infant/nursery building. Please pray that they will cope over next few months as they try to sort out room for the children & that emotionally the staff/children will get through this & that they may realise that folk are praying & are behind them.
(Via TB)

Many thanks

Tony B.



Hiya people,

For those of you who don’t know, I’ve managed to book my time off work for the Haiti trip in February so thank you so much for your prayers!!

I thought this would be a good time (if not a little late!) to remind you of the link that I gave you last year…

…”If you are planning to buy any Christmas presents on-line this year, if you start from the site, and link from there to your favourite sites (Amazon, Marks & Spencer,, HMV etc) and buy as you normally would. You get the same discounts and offers, but as you started from the Haiti web shop, the Haiti Hospital Appeal will receive a donation from the site you purchase from – for free!”…

Carwyn has also asked me to make you aware of the following site…

…”as Haiti Hospital Appeal have been enterd into a competition with some other charities to see who can raise the most amount of money between now and Dec 15th.  Basically if we raise $5,000 and get 50 different supporters to sponsor us we win $2,500.  If we raise the most money over all we win $10,000, and if we recieve the most unique individual donations we win $15,000.  All you need to do is make a donation, even if it’s only £1!  The more we get the better.”

Carwyn and Reninca move out to Haiti just after Christmas for a whole year so I know they would value your prayers!!! As you can imagine things are a little hectic for them as they sort out their UK work/home/lives and get ready to move out.
The charity’s website address is and there is a small team there at the moment… so pray away!! (The team also have a blog on the website while they are away which includes some lush news about some of the children you will have heared of from my last trip).
Love you all,
See you at Christmas.