Archive for the ‘Sermon challenges’ Category

Psalm 36

by Colin Dexter

Where do we stand with the fear of God?
What level of fear is healthy?
Do we know Gods encompassing love/Faithfulness/Righteousness/preservation
God can change the biggest of brutes. No-one is outside Gods love.

THanks Ian

Daniel Chapters 1-6

by Colin Dexter

Spiritual Foundation
Spiritual Courage
Spiritual Readiness & Stamina
Spiritual Gifting
Spiritual Purpose

The Kingdom of God

by Colin Dexter

Lk18 15-17 & Lk 17 20-21
Where is it?
What is it?
How do we join?
Who is in charge?
What difference does it make?


How you view God affects how you do life?

by Colin Dexter
Thank-you Owain


by Colin Dexter

Rom 8 V 26-39
Passion to pray
Passion to be in relationship with God
Passion to follow Jesus Christ
Give me the desire to spend time with God. Holy Spirit I need you to help me to pray.

Source Deb D.

We believe in God the Father

by Colin Dexter

He is Father & creator. He encourages us when we pray to say “Our Father”.

 How does God father us?
– He carries us (Deut31)
– He disciplines (Heb 12)
– He forgives (1 John)
– He teaches
– He fellowships (John 14)
– He has compassion
– He rejoices over us Lk 15
– He rescues us

What is my relationship with the Father like?

Source Mark Jones

Called to make disciples.

by Colin Dexter

Matt 29 & Matt 9 . A disciple is a follower of the teacher.
Called to be a disciple
Commisioned to make disciples
Commanded to disciple each other
See the need/have compassion/pray/be empowered by the Spirit/go

The parable of the great banquet

by Colin Dexter

Luke 14 v 15
Phil 2 3-4, 14 & Chap 4 v 13
I can do everything through him who gives me strength


by Colin Dexter

Riches At
God initiated, free gift, overflowing love & mercy
It can’t be earned.

Thanks Tim

Why did God send the Holy Spirit?

by Colin Dexter