Where do we stand with the fear of God?
What level of fear is healthy?
Do we know Gods encompassing love/Faithfulness/Righteousness/preservation
God can change the biggest of brutes. No-one is outside Gods love.
THanks Ian
Where do we stand with the fear of God?
What level of fear is healthy?
Do we know Gods encompassing love/Faithfulness/Righteousness/preservation
God can change the biggest of brutes. No-one is outside Gods love.
THanks Ian
Spiritual Foundation
Spiritual Courage
Spiritual Readiness & Stamina
Spiritual Gifting
Spiritual Purpose
Lk18 15-17 & Lk 17 20-21
Where is it?
What is it?
How do we join?
Who is in charge?
What difference does it make?
Rom 8 V 26-39
Passion to pray
Passion to be in relationship with God
Passion to follow Jesus Christ
Give me the desire to spend time with God. Holy Spirit I need you to help me to pray.
Source Deb D.
He is Father & creator. He encourages us when we pray to say “Our Father”.
How does God father us?
– He carries us (Deut31)
– He disciplines (Heb 12)
– He forgives (1 John)
– He teaches
– He fellowships (John 14)
– He has compassion
– He rejoices over us Lk 15
– He rescues us
What is my relationship with the Father like?
Source Mark Jones
Matt 29 & Matt 9 . A disciple is a follower of the teacher.
Called to be a disciple
Commisioned to make disciples
Commanded to disciple each other
See the need/have compassion/pray/be empowered by the Spirit/go
Luke 14 v 15
Phil 2 3-4, 14 & Chap 4 v 13
I can do everything through him who gives me strength
Riches At
God initiated, free gift, overflowing love & mercy
It can’t be earned.
Thanks Tim