Bible translator murdered

by Colin Dexter

One of the first Bible translators for the Aghem people in Cameroon has been murdered during an attack on his village. He is the second member of the team killed in recent months.

Benjamin Tem was one of the original cohort of trained translation workers on the Aghem Bible translation project. He helped his people to read and discover the life-changing message about Jesus; through his efforts many started studying the Bible in small groups, hearing God speak to them in their own language for the first time.

He died on the night of 20 October, during an attack in the village of Wum.

The Crime of believing Jesus?

by Colin Dexter

“May the persecution and imprisonment that I endure glorify the name of Jesus Christ,” were the words spoken by Roksari Kanbari, an Iranian convert to Christianity, moments before she reported to the authorities to begin a one-year prison sentence on 14 October.

The 61-year-old wife and mother spoke in a short video in which she said she had been arrested by agents of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence for “the crime of believing in Jesus Christ”.  

Barnabus Fund

OM Launches new online bookstore

by Colin Dexter

A new online bookstore on partnership with 10ofthose enabling new titles and much loved OM publications to become more widely available. By accessing 10ofthose through the OM website, 8% from every purchase will be donated into the global ministry of OM.

Marriage and Health

by Colin Dexter

Mental health issues can impact every area of your life if they’re left unaddressed. However, there are actually very few that can’t be treated or well managed.

Protecting your marriage is important when you face these challenges. Here are some tips that can make a difference:

Communication – face and learn about the issues together. Seeing a GP together is an essential first step. The more insight you both have, the better.

Encourage the ‘ill’ partner as they develop understanding into how their mental health issues affect them, and urge them to seek help when they struggle to motivate themselves.

Be careful that the ‘well’ partner doesn’t become a ‘therapist’. This can change the relationship in a marriage and result in the ‘well’ partner becoming resentful and exhausted.

Care For The Family

My heart was changed

by Colin Dexter

Du was one of China’s millions of migrant workers,leaving his rural town for the city-chasing work and a decent income. But urban life was grim ; Du ended up working in a factory, despondent and lost.

One day he found a pocket sized Bible on a bed in his dormitory. Someone had left it behind. Du picked it up and started to read. “I realised I had been blinded by atheism to see only the physical world and material things ” he said.

My heart was changed and I committed myself to the Lord.

He added ” I may not have great wealth in this life , but I know I have no lack in the one true God.

wordinaction Bible Society winter 2019

Urgent action Needed

by Colin Dexter

Dr Ruth Valerio, Tearfund’s Global Advocacy and influencing director said, ‘We are calling for urgent action from four multinationals – Coca-Cola, Nestle, Pepsicola and Unilever.

The CEOs running these multinationals can no longer ignore the human cost of single-use plastics – fundemental changes to business models are urgently required’.

Tear Times Autumn 19

The heart of Communication

by Colin Dexter

The ability to connect with an audience is an essential element of public speaking. Yet it is possible for an effective presentation to be delivered without affecting those who hear it, but there are ways that even the most proficient speakers can enhance their communication skills.

This autumn, for the first time, Rob Parsons is going on tour to share insights from over fifty years of experience. He will unpack methods that will help any public speaker to better grasp not only how to speak to the head, but to the heart.

Having spoken to well over a million people around the world, from multinational organisations to church congregations, he has fine-tuned approaches that can help anyone wanting to grow in this area.

Why does creation make sense?

by Colin Dexter

Atheist to Christ

by Colin Dexter

by Colin Dexter