New International Version
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land
2 Chronicles 7 verse 14
Following Jesus is a relationship.
Following Jesus entails developing an intimate relationship with him. This is what elevates Christianity beyond all other religions, philosophies, and worldviews. Mark 3:14-15 says, ‘He appointed the twelve—designating them as apostles, that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority over demons’.
A closer look at this Scripture—‘that they might be with him’—reveals that endeavouring to do anything for Jesus is linked with desiring and developing a relationship with him.
Christianity in general and discipleship in particular is based on a relationship with Jesus, not on spiritual directions and rules. Once we decide to let him have control over our lives, he will show us the way and teach us. This entails all the directions we need as we deepen our relationship with him.
Isaiah M. Dau(excerpt) Lausanne Movement
Egypt legalises more churches
Since coming to power in 2014, Egypt’s President al-Sisi has treated Christians more favourably and his government has passed laws making it easier to build new churches, reversing restrictions from the Ottoman era. However, Christian communities regularly face violence at a local level and church buildings are often targeted by Muslim mobs, especially those which are unregistered or newly registered. Muslim-dominated Egypt has a substantial Christian minority, which is one of the oldest Christian communities in the world, dating back to the first century, and pre-dating Islam by some 500 years.
Pray for Sri Lanka
The National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL) has called for Christians in their country to be calm, and for Christians elsewhere to pray.
In a statement, they quoted Romans 12:12 ‘Be patient in trouble and keep on praying.’
Release partner NCEASL has asked Christians around the world to ‘pray for those grieving the loss of loved ones and those injured in the attacks.’
TEAR FUND Lent Appeal
Tear Fund lent appeal
Until 17th May, the UK Government will match all gifts to the Tear Fund lent appeal, up to £3 million. The money will be used to set up waste recycling hubs in Pakistan’s slums.
It will create a healthier ,safer environment. The rubbish is collected on a daily basis and processed on the streets . Rubbish that can be recycled is sold as a resource and organic waste is turned into compost.
Healthier living, safer living and also providing dignity to marginalised people who earn a living.
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Miracle in the minefield
In some Central Asian countries the bible is banned. One group of brave Christians was trying to deliver Bibles across the border into another country. The border was highly guarded, so they had to find a place with no watchtowers. They eventually found a gap with a path to cross.
For two months they were able to take Bibles into that country. Then one day they were caught by the border patrol.
“How did you enter the country?” the soldiers asked. “Where are you from? How did you get here?” They pointed to the path.
“No , you cannot have come that way,” they said “That’s a minefield”
For two months they had been walking through a minefield! The guards let them go. “If Allah has protected you we cannot imprison you” they said.
Open Doors March 2019