Hosea 12 v 6
So now, come back to your God.
We are in the middle of a preaching through some topics on discipleship.
- I believe (What is a Christian)?
- I forgive Matt 5 23-24
- I pray
- I serve(I worship) Ephesian 2:10
- I learn Matt 11:29 20th August
- I go Matt28 (living the Life) 10th Sept
Thanks to Rob Jones (NWC)
Stop Criminalising Christians In Iran
Iranian Christians are being treated like criminals for taking part in normal church activities…
…Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani and three others from his church received sentences of ten years or more.
…Mr Afshar-Naderi was arrested along with two others while at a Christmas celebration, and faces 15 years in jail.
…Hadi Asgari was arrested during a picnic and has been given a ten year sentence.
…Nasser Navard Goltape was one of four men arrested after three of them, who were from Azerbaijan, visited friends in Tehran.
Send an email to your MP and the Minister of State for the Middle East to stop the Iranian government criminalising Christians. (CSW)
” I do not want to be a Christian”
“You are so different; I can see that you are a new person,” she told him. When he explained that his life had been transformed by his relationship with Jesus and that she could experience the same change, she replied, ” I’m so happy for you, but I do not want to be a Christian.
She was invited to an event on the Logos Hope ship.
She attended the “come as you are” evening and after listening to the message she decided to surrender her life to Christ.
Ship to Shore OM Ships International 2017