Testimony of The Lord’s Healing and Power –LN 27th July 2015

by Colin Dexter

I am writing this testimony to share with others God’s healing power and provision for my son. Daniel was diagnosed with spondylolisthesis grade 2 in 2010 when he was 18years old starting his first year at Warwick university. He had mild symptoms of discomfort running down the back of his right leg but it was not serious that time. However, in 2013, he developed intermittent numbness in his right foot and the MRI scan showed that his spondylolisthesis has progressed from grade 2 to 3 and there was narrowing of the spinal canal at l4-5 level which resulted in the numbness of the foot.

He was seen at the Royal London Hospital by the neurosurgeon who said that Daniel requires surgery to straighten and stabilise the spine which will be a major surgery. Daniel and I were deeply distressed by this news as it will impact on his studies in university. I told Daniel that we should not lose hope because we have a God who is ALL powerful and who can also heal. I then began to earnestly pray for the following specifics-
1. Complete healing of Daniels’ back so that he does not require the operation.

2. God will lead us to another surgeon who is dual trained in orthopaedics and neurosurgery. I wanted Daniel to have a second opinion and to be seen by the best in this field if he requires surgery.

Meanwhile, I brought Daniel to my bible study teacher E. Vetters for prayer and healing as I believe that the prayers of an effective man is very effective. Mr Vetters once told me that ‘healing begins when we start praying’ I believe my job is to pray and God will do the rest.

It was amazing how the Lord answered my prayers specifically. At that time I was working in the Outpatient department of a private hospital and heard of a new neuro-spinal surgeon who had recently joined the hospital. One day, the surgeon (AR) turned up at the door of my office asking to see me as he needed my advice to set up his clinic. I was thrilled and so overwhelmed when I discovered that his speciality was in treatment of spondylolisthesis! He agreed to see Daniel and examined him. By this time Daniel’s numbness in the right foot has improved considerably. The surgeon then told us the wonderful news that Daniel does not require surgery but just monitoring to ensure that his symptoms does not get worse. He also reassured Daniel that he can continue his gym exercises as the development of his strong core muscles has helped to support his back.

Daniel was reviewed last year in March 2014 and has been discharged from the Royal London hospital-which means he does not require any treatment at all. God is awesome –he has answered my prayers perfectly. I believe God has healed Daniel’s back problem. He is indeed Jehovah Rapha- the God who heals!



by Colin Dexter

by Colin Dexter

Risca Debt Centre. CAP one year on

by Colin Dexter

Risca Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre One Year On

Proverbs 31:8-9 New International Version (NIV)

8 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. 9 Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

As I write this it was exactly one year ago that we met with our first client. Since then we have had a total of 24 referrals. So far four have become debt free and another three are almost there and should be debt free within the next year or two.

It’s not all been success, we have had some failures as well. Two clients didn’t engage with CAP at all for various reasons; one client we couldn’t help as she became self-employed in between ringing CAP and our first visit, unfortunately CAP is not set up to assist those who are self-employed. One client has moved to another area, transferring to another debt centre so she is still getting help from CAP. The rest of our clients are either paying in to their CAP plan or are currently in the visit stages.

Thanks to God’s provision and your generosity not only were we able bless our clients with a hamper at Christmas but we have also provided a replacement washing machine for one client, a cooker for another, baby clothes and nappies for another, clothing for another and provided one month’s rent to keep a roof over another family’s head.

Matthew 25:34-40 New International Version (NIV)

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Personally, it has been an incredible journey. Starting a few years ago with a sense that God was telling me to step out of my comfort zone. Believe me when I tell you I am now way out of that comfort zone. Little did I realise at the time that I would not only be speaking at other Churches but also engaging with support agencies and rooms full of professionals, let alone meeting with total strangers who are struggling with debt and all that comes with it. On occasion, I have been part marriage counsellor, part bereavement counsellor as well as a debt counsellor.

The greatest pleasure of doing this work is to see the rapid change that comes about when people have that burden lifted and they see their lives begin to get back on track. Hope creeps in again and that is an amazing thing to see.

Debt isn’t just about the lack of money someone has. It’s about what it does to that person and their family, often when they are already feeling very low from unemployment, shame, relationship breakdown or mental illness.

After calling the Freephone number 0800 328 0006, all clients are seen in their own home. Any paperwork such as unpaid bills are collected and sent to CAP’s head office where staff negotiate with every creditor, construct a budget and examine the best way out of debt. Best of all it’s free. To find out more about CAP visit www.capuk.org or you can contact me via email at johnpinkstone@capuk.org or by phone on 07549 900288

Finally, I would just like to say a big thank you from myself and on behalf of all the clients that we have helped, those that we are currently helping and those we are yet to help, so THANK YOU to you all for your continued support and prayers.

God bless

John Pinkstone

Centre Manager

Risca CAP Debt Centre

A Life That Matters

by Colin Dexter

Whether you’re ready or whether you’re not, one day it will come to an end,

There will be no sunrises, no minutes, no days, no cards to receive or to send.

All the things you’ve collected whether treasured  or not will just pass on to whom you desire.

What you owned or were owed, your ambitions and plans, and to do lists will then just expire.

What once seemed important will just fade away, with your gender, your colour, your power,

Your side of the tracks, your knowledge or lacks, will just end like the life of a flower.

The body you owned will be put in the ground, or be burned and your ashes get scattered.

So who’ll be bereft about the life that you left, your achievements and things that still matter.

What will really matter?  And how will the value of your days and your life then be measured?

Was your life lived in vain, caused some strife and some pain, or would your existence be treasured?

It’s not what you bought, it’s about what you built, not what you had but about what you gave,

It’s not what you learned, but what you then taught, not the ones you condemned but forgave.

Every act of integrity, compassion or courage, not what you had or you even desired,

What will be remembered are the footprints you left, for the ones that you may have inspired.

It’s about who will feel your loss when you’re gone, an example that they’re sad to lose.

The life that you live is not just a chance, it’s about all the roads that you choose.

© Dave Evans  (May 2016)


by Colin Dexter

Essential Truths


Well, that’s a tricky one!!

I’m very happy to accept the forgiveness of Christ But to forgive others?

Then I read the Prayer that Jesus taught his disciples.

“and forgive us like we forgive others”

(now I know that forgiveness from Christ is by Grace & not dependent anything I do)

So what is Jesus saying . As we receive eternal forgiveness that should flow into a forgiving life.

The parable of the unmerciful servant Matt 18 makes the same point.

No doubt in any individual case we can construct strong argument for our right, moral position and the pain we have suffered and the injustice.

But maybe our ability to forgive others comes back to the cross and really understanding why Jesus was there in the first place.

On the cross Jesus says, “Father,forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” I don’t think any of “them” deserved forgiveness but Jesus gives us a supreme example.

Book Club

by Colin Dexter

The Bible Book Club began on Monday, the 3rd of July at 8 Twmbarlwm Close, 7 to 7:30 pm. The book we read was Ruth and everyone was given a chance to express their opinions and suppositions on what might have happened if certain things hadn’t worked out just the way they did. Cake and coffee/tea/cold drinks were served and fellowship was great. Our God is very good to us.

The next Bible Book Club will be on Monday 7 Aug and will be led by Jan Owen. She is telling us at church today which book we are reading. The location is the same.

Listening to God

by Colin Dexter

More than just listening to us, God invited us to listen to him. What a precious invitation and an expression of true intimacy. God doesn’t just invite us to communicate at him, he invites us to communicate with him.

Yet it’s harder than ever to stop the relentless noise that’s thrown our way; to set aside our social media news feeds in order to find opportunities to listen to God’s voice. It’s much easier when we stop to pray to simply list our requests and move on.

Personally, it’s when I’ve fought to have the discipline to stop and listen to the one I am praying to that I have begun to know him. And in knowing him, I have found answers to my prayers.

Listening to God in prayer satisfies that desire that we have as humans to be known and to know – the psalmist encourages us that God wants us to be still and know.

To listen to the voice of our creator is the most grounding, perspective-giving, life-changing thing we can do. 24/7 pray

Whats really important?

by Colin Dexter

However, my faith and my relationship with God are incredibly important to me and, after long consideration, and plenty of prayer, understanding the downside, I am not afraid publicly to recognise God’s role in my life.

This doesn’t mean I see myself as better than anyone else. I am not. This doesn’t mean I see myself as morally superior to anyone else. I certainly am not. What it does mean, however, is that I try very hard to be receptive to the teachings of the Bible, that I am sincerely committed to the Word of God and that I aspire to lead my life in that way.

AB de Villiers(cricketer)

Imprisoned for Faith

by Colin Dexter

He was imprisoned for four days, but he saw God work in amazing ways. He preached the gospel and prayed for an inmate who was sick. He was healed and believed in Christ instantly. His other cell mate was a person suffering from intense depression. He kept saying he wanted to kill himself. He was prayed for and the suicidal thoughts left him. He also accepted Christ. A third person had been falsely accused of raping a women. The gospel was shared with him and he also accepted Christ.
