Tributes have been paid to the former head of the Evangelical Alliance, Joel Edwards, who passed away from cancer on Wednesday morning.Edwards was a British immigrant from Jamaica and started out as a probation officer, a role he held for 14 years.In a rich and varied career, he served as senior pastor of Mile End New Testament Church of God and was an honorary Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral.But he spent the best part of his career as a figurehead for evangelicals, joining the African and Caribbean Evangelical Alliance in 1988, and then going on to lead the UK Evangelical Alliance as General Director from 1997 until 2009.
ALBANIA – Bible translation
After 20yrs of hard work and commitment form the translation team the Albanian Bible is finally completed.
(Bible Society)
CAP stands for Christians Against Poverty. CAP is a charity offering free debt counselling here in the UK to whoever needs it (no need to be a Christian – that’s a common misconception.)-All their services are run through local churches, meaning they are able to pair each person up with someone in their local area. The churches are then able to support them through the debt help process (collecting paperwork, etc) as well as offering emotional and practical support where requested / needed
Ty Sign Tots has started back in Channel View Community Centre from June 14th . Two session one hour long to maximise the number of adults able to access the group with Covid restrictions. Cleaning of the floor, mats & toilets between sessions and different toys per session. There is now one window in Channel view for ventilation. You need to book in .
Faith in Christ
Donya decided to follow Jesus, but Tahar took a while to be convinced. When he did eventually put his faith in Jesus, he felt an instantaneous change:” it was like that burden came off my shoulders” Tahar says ” the burden I thought I would have- to give an account for my sins when I died- came off. It felt like I was flying. It was the most beautiful moment of my life”
(Refugees in Turkey)
O[en Doors
To ensure we recover together from the pandemic, Tearfund is partnering with the People’s Vaccine Alliance to campaign for everyone in every country to have fair and free access to a tested Covid-19 vaccine.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted each of our lives in a significant way, yet sadly, many have experienced disproportionate levels of hardship. Even before the pandemic, we(CAP) knew that people in debt were struggling on a low income, going without food, experiencing poor mental health, and feeling isolated.
2020 is no different, in the report we found:
- 84% of CAP clients have an income lower than the national average.
- 62% borrowed money to pay another bill or debt.
- Household peak debt hit a record high of £17,917.
- 58% said that they had nobody to turn to when they had a problem.
- 28% of CAP clients had considered or attempted suicide as a way out of debt.
You can read the report here.
JESUS was never as upset about life
I remember one dark day I was angry with my life and God. I was struggling. Really struggling. I felt alone and in despair. I thought only that it would be better in heaven. I already felt like I was dying inside.I wasn’t suicidal, but I did feel as though I was dying inside.
It was at this time that I was doing a Bible Study of some sort that said something to the effect of God knows what yu are going through. I thought to myself, ” He never felt like this, like he was dying inside.” I began to wander through Scripture and by the grace of God found this verse, Mark 14:32-34 ” Then they came to a place called Gethsemane. he said to his disciples, “stay here while I pray” He took Peter James & John with him and began to feel distressed and anguished. He said to them, ” My anguish is so great that I feel as if I’m dying. wait here stay awake