Caerphilly Libraries Online Resources

by Colin Dexter

Caerphilly library Service is online only at the moment, but customers can borrow books and audiobooks via Borrowbox, and RB Digital services (e-books, e-audio, e-magazines, and e-graphic novels), and with the ongoing pandemic, the number of books available has been greatly increased. You can download the app through your device’s app store (for example. Google Play, or Apple Store. An overview of our digital content can be found at

All of the services mentioned are available to customers through library authorities throughout Wales. All people have to do is join their local library service whichever one it might be.

Our principle online resources are

· Borrowbox (e-Audiobooks/eBooks) which is a service where you can download 10 e-Books and 10 e-Audiobooks for free on your personal devices for 21 days. Listen to e-Audiobooks and read eBooks on your portable device, tablet, or phone using the Borrowbox App. There is an App for Apple devices and Android devices e.g. Samsung, Huddle. This service can also be used on the browser at –

· RBdigital (Magazines/Comics) – We use a provider called RBdigital for e-Magazines and e-Comics. An e-Magazine is an electronic version of a magazine. You can read them online or download and keep them for as long as you want. Free –

We also offer the following services:

· Theory Test Pro – A highly realistic online simulation of the UK’s driving theory tests for all vehicle categories. It contains all the official test questions licensed from the DSA, the people who set the tests –

· Who Else Writes Like? is a readers’ guide to fiction authors –

· The National Library of Wales offers a wide range of subscribed resources to Caerphilly Library Service customers –

· Family History – Searches and support can be provided via e-mail at , and access to Ancestry can be found by logging into our library catalogue with your Smarcard number and PIN, and following the Ancestry link on the right hand side of the page:

The Welsh Libraries site is where you can find out what’s happening in libraries in Wales and lots more – https:


by Colin Dexter

Flowering plants appeared on Earth relatively recently on a geological timescale, then swiftly diversified in an explosion of colour, shape and form.

“In the fossil record they appear very suddenly in the Cretaceous, , and they appear in considerable diversity,” (in keeping with what its says in Genesis 1 )

Darwin was deeply bothered by how flowering plants conquered the world seemingly in the blink of an eye, This problem preyed his mind in his final months.”

So we ask an evolutionary biologist. IS THE MYSTERY SOLVED?

In short, no. “One hundred and forty years later, the mystery’s still unsolved,”

Prayer in hard times

by Colin Dexter

Praying can often feel difficult when we’re experiencing exhaustion, anger or despair. Many of us will have only seen an increase in these emotions over this last year due to the coronavirus pandemic, on top of life’s other challenges.No matter what was going on in the world, Jesus would slip away and pray (Luke 5:16). Even when he was scared (Mark 14:32), Jesus prioritised time with the Father. It sustained him. And we can get the same peace, strength, purpose and joy from following his example and keeping a rhythm of prayer, even when times are difficult.

Tear Fund

Encouragement in hard times

by Colin Dexter


by Colin Dexter


by Colin Dexter

by Colin Dexter


by Colin Dexter

Debt Free Story 2020 – Client P

The pandemic hasn’t stopped us yet and we’re working hard to ensure it won’t stop us in the future either. CAP phone lines are open, we’re still meeting new clients (remotely) and we’re still progressing cases.-Like P, who created this video and animation herself, so many people feel lonely and burdened with financial worry 😞 . However, thanks to amazing Frontline and Head Office staff, we have still been able to see people become debt-free in the midst of these difficult times and long may it continue!-Are you feeling like P? If so, don’t hesitate to give CAP a call on 0800 328 0006

CAP(Christians against poverty)

by Colin Dexter

CAP knows that the recent increased restrictions will impact people’s incomes. So they have pulled together some of the best money and debt advice videos from across the web into a couple of playlists on our YouTube Channel to support anyone who is struggling right now:(1) Debt Advice Playlist –… (2) Money / Budgeting Advice Playlist –…

CAP (Christians against poverty)

by Colin Dexter

CAP is a debt counselling charity. That means that when someone is struggling with their debts, they can come to it and they will take on all the paperwork and phonecalls on your behalf. If a creditor calls someone who is under our care, that person just needs to point the creditor in the direction of CAP and they negotiate on your behalf.-

And of course it’s free – no charge for people for using the services.-Please – if you know anyone who is struggling with money, send them the phone number – 0800 328 0006.