On Sunday 3rd February Agapé’s Sunday morning service will be led by Evaburn. Incorporating Evaburn’s songs and testimonies, the band would like to invite you to join us!
If you regularly attend Agapé then you’ll know myself and Tim are part of Evaburn, along with Colin (bass) and Harvey (drums). Our aim is to bless you with the music that God has given us and used to bless us as a band.
We’ve added some new songs to the set list and we’re looking forward to sharing them with you and worshipping God together.
Invite friends, invite family, invite strangers!
visit the Evaburn page on this site and our Myspace page:
2 Chronicles chapter 20 speaks of how God protected and provided for his worshippers; people who loved him and recognised him as the authority in their lives. The chapter shows us that we should worship God whether we are being attacked by the world (vs 2-4…), going into difficult situations (vs21-22), coming out the other side(vs24-26) or resting in God’s love (v.30)
read the whole chapter at: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20chronicles%2020;&version=31