Instead of using Operation Christmas child and Samaritans purse we are going to use an alternative to support a family I know who do something very similar. It is called Sweeps. The info is the same. Below are a list of gift ideas and gift no-no’s!
Gift Ideas for the sweeps shoe boxes. Please bring all you can on Sunday
or drop it round to my house!
These are just some ideas! Go mad!
small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos,
jump ropes, small Etch A Sketch®, toys that light up or make noise
(with extra batteries), Slinky®, etc.
pens, pencils and sharpener, crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad sets,
writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc.
toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth, etc.
Hard candy and lollipops (please double bag all candy), mints, gum, T-shirts,
socks, ball caps; sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights
(with extra batteries)
In a separate envelope, you may enclose a note to the child and a photo of
yourself or your family. (If you include your name and address, the child
may write back.)
Do Not Include:
Used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military
figures; chocolate or food; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins;
breakable items such as snowglobes or glass containers; aerosol cans