Archive for the ‘General’ Category


by Colin Dexter


Wycliffe Bible Translators

by Colin Dexter

Some of you may remember that I worked in the Cerma (or Gouin) project for a number of years when I was in Burkina Faso. Here’s some good news for you: it’s been a long haul, but the New Testament has finally been typeset! Like all Bible translation, it has been a marathon rather than a sprint – and is definitely something to celebrate. It’s now in South Korea to be printed. Please pray for the Lord’s protection over it, and that the translated Scriptures will be received with joy, and well used. The dedication should take place some time next year, and I’m hoping things will work out for me to plan my next visit to Burkina around it.

Please pray too for renewed peace and stability in Burkina Faso, where there has been a certain amount of unrest lately. Burkina’s southern neighbour Ivory Coast may be out of the news headlines now, but still desperately needs prayer.

By the way, if any of you haven’t yet seen the latest issue of ‘Words for Life’, it has an interview with me in it. It can be downloaded from  From ( Laura D )

Logos Hope

by Colin Dexter

Galle Sri Lanka June 29th- July 18th

Tim Crahart Blues Band

by Colin Dexter

Interview with Tim. Cross Rythms at 6-30-7.00 on 14th June

Radio | Cross Rhythms. Online Christian radio and podcasts, Christian music articles, reviews, news and artist profiles. Christian life articles, prayer and chat rooms and much more

Soul Survivor Summer 2010

by Colin Dexter

There were two Soul survivor events in Somerset & Stafford with 25,000 young people attending in total. It was amazing to see so many young people worshipping God, meeting with Him, being equipped & encouraged in their faith and leaving with with a passion to live their whole lives for him.
(Soul Survivor annual review Jan-Dec 10)

Haiti Hospital Appeal Spring 2011

by Colin Dexter


Agape Community Church

by Colin Dexter


Tim Crahart Blues Band

by Colin Dexter

Tim Crahart Blues Band – No Drinkin’ No Cheatin’ No Shootin’ | CROSS RHYTHMS REVIEW

Holiday Club February Halfterm

by Colin Dexter


Thursday group is back… still looking for a name!

by Colin Dexter

A very wise person once told me to ‘start from the very beginning, it’s a very good place to start!’
Ok, it was Maria in the sound of music, and she wasn’t really telling me, but seven strangely attentive and responsive children, but we can pretend!

Yesterday we held the first youth group of the year, and I think it was enjoyed by all. We started at the very beginning of time, and managed to fit seven days in to one hour session. We talked about creation, and they created the world. I thought you might like to see what we made… here it is…

If you are in year 6/7/8 please come along to the TLC on a Thursday evening at 6 til 7. It would be great to see you there.

Also, if you are free on a Thursday between 5.45 and 7.15 and would like to help out please let me know!
