Archive for August, 2011

Why the Riots?

by Colin Dexter

Bishop McCulloch(on Radio 4) will say people of all ages and backgrounds have become “confused about the difference between right and wrong”.

“The result is a me-first, ultra-consumerist culture, in which the quest for possession of things overrides a caring concern for others, and the key commandments become don’t get caught and don’t grass.

“This week we’ve had an unpleasant glimpse of the default position to which society inevitably returns when its moral imperatives are forgotten.”

What do you say?


by Colin Dexter

” I think there are three reasons why we need to pray. The first is, we pray because we care. If you don’t pray for someone, you probably don’t really care about them.

The second reason we pray is because we can. Its awesome that the God who created the universe wants to walk & talk with us. Why on earth wouldn’t we take up that invitation?

The third reason we need to pray is because we count. There are stories throughout scripture that suggest that God listens when we pray and may even change His purpose and His will as a result of prayer. Karl Barth said thay prayer does seem to have some bearing upon the purpose and will of God. The reason Jesus told us to pray,” your kingdom come, your will be done” is that its not automatic. We are in a battle and Gods will is often contested. If we don’t pray, there are things that wil not happen as a result. and if we do pray, there are things that will happen, because we prayed. So we have an awesome resposibilty to pray.

Source. Pete Greig (YFC council of Reference) YFC News Summer 2011

We believe in God the Father

by Colin Dexter

He is Father & creator. He encourages us when we pray to say “Our Father”.

 How does God father us?
– He carries us (Deut31)
– He disciplines (Heb 12)
– He forgives (1 John)
– He teaches
– He fellowships (John 14)
– He has compassion
– He rejoices over us Lk 15
– He rescues us

What is my relationship with the Father like?

Source Mark Jones

Victory Outreach Family Centre

by Colin Dexter

Opening on Saturday October 22nd 2011.
It will be open Monday to friday for the community, families will be able to drop their children off at the centre while the parents go shopping etc. There will also be a coffee shop and a Christian Bookshop.

Logos Hope Crewmember says

by Colin Dexter

I gave up a well paid job as a chef to volunteer as a crewmember because in 2008 while in Kenya on my first mission trip, I sensed Gods calling to overseas mission.

The ship is not a cruise liner. It’s a place where God transforms your life. You will grow a lot deeper with God. You will have many challenges. The ship provides opportunities to do things you wouldn’t do back home. I have visited prisons & ministered to drug addicts. During dry dock, I spent two weeks with boys who have lost either one or both parents in Sri Lanka. In Liberia I spent a week working on a farm with HIV/AIDS patients. I don’t know of anywhere else in the world where you get such unique opportunities and where you are well trained before you go out.

Source. Ship to Shore UK edition 3rd Quater 2011 OM Ships International

Testimony from the ship Logos Hope

by Colin Dexter

After attending a ‘Hope Night’ on shore presenting the crewmembers’ culture and faith, a woman visited Logos Hope & had a tour. Aided by a translator, the tour guide explained how crewmembers live and why they decide to join. At the end , the woman explained to the translator in Spanish that she could see Jesus Christ working through the ship people, and because of that, she believed that “He is indeed alive”. She then gave her own life to God.
(Las Palmas, Canary Islands.)
Source. OM annual report 2010 (OM Ships International)

Care for the Family

by Colin Dexter

Job vacancies. Two personal assistants & two administrators.
Closing date 16th August.