Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Horizon 2 Horizon

by Colin Dexter

This the organisation that Phil Hefner is involved in. (Colin)

Welcome to H2H!

Reaching Today’s World

What’s It All About

We are very happy that you have decided to stop by our site to check us out!!!  So just what is The Horizon to Horizon Evangelistic Association – H2H?  First of all… we are people.  People who care about others throughout the world who have not found the wonderful experience awaiting them when they learn to know Jesus Christ as their savior, God, and friend.  We want to help you start a relationship with Jesus Christ without any preconceived notions of religion.  Look around and check out our site and learn more about us… and maybe even a little about yourself.



Where Does H2H Fit in the Plan?

 The goal of Horizon to Horizon is to proclaim the gospel of the Lord to people of all ages.  Our audience are those people whose image of Jesus Christ comes from a society where Jesus is “what my grandparents did” or whose experience with church is drawn from a vision of Christianity that is more worried about the outside than the inside or a Christianity that is so narrow that only one style of worship or music is allowed – fit in or get out.

Want to Know Christ?

Looking for something in your life to fill the emptiness but don’t know what? 

What’s it all about???  What’s the bottom line???  Simply put… Christian is FUN!!!  Today’s world increasingly believes that becoming a Christian means giving up all that makes life worth living.   This is about as far from the truth as you can get and it’s time for those of us who know the real Jesus to step up and tell them the truth. Those who know the truth have a responsibility to share the truth… that Christianity is finding a life filled with happiness and satisfaction that the world can never match.  It is time for us to show those people in this world who have been beaten up, discounted or looked down upon by religion the REAL Jesus Christ – the Jesus who loves each and every one of us no matter who we are.  That is the true Jesus Christ!!Those of us who are living in this modern, advanced society have at our fingertips things never dreamed of 50 years ago – IPods, cell phones, news and communications instantly from around the world, but even in our world of technology and “stuff” we have never been more unhappy.  People today are empty… hurting… looking for something and unfortunately our society has them looking in all the wrong places.  Newer, bigger, better, or more will not fill the emptiness we feel today.  That emptiness is a hole – A hole created in the Garden of Eden when sin entered the world and ruined our relationship with God.  And that emptiness has been with humankind ever since.  It shows up as fear, loneliness, anger, insecurity….  We try to find a cure in drugs, drinking, friendships that don’t last, relationships; but the only cure is a relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the only cure that will never let us down.  This is the message we need to spread to our friends, our family, our classmates, and our coworkers.  This is the message they need to hear – God Loves You. 



by Colin Dexter

Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive at death safely.

Set God-sized goals.

Pursue God ordained passions.

Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.

Keep asking questions.

Keep making mistakes.

Keep seeking God.

Stop pointing out problems and become part of the solution.

Stop repeating the past and start creating the future.

Stop playing safe and start taking risks.

Expand your horizons.

Accumulate experiences.

Consider the lilies.

Enjoy the Journey.

Find every excuse you can to celebrate everything you can.

Live like today is the first day and the last day of your life


Burn sinful Bridges.

Blaze a new trail.

Criticize by creating.

Worry less about what people think and more about what God thinks.

Don’t try to be what you are not.

Be yourself.

Laugh at yourself.

Quit holding out.

Quit holding back.

Quit running away.

Chase the Lion.

Thanks to Mark Batterson

Connor’s Question


Hello there,

Connor was in the car when he posed the question:
Who made God? Over to you then…
A good question from an inquisitive mind of an eight year old, so I tried my best to answer from my heart:
I told him that God started all creation and was everywhere like the air we breathe. We may not be able to see God or hear God but God is like the oxygen in our lungs he is available to us all.
This question was reflected upon at cell, Dad (Ian) was unsure how to answer it and I am aware of the spirit/person debate so over to you my learned friends for your input, how would you answer, so that Connor may be given as full an explanation to his question as possible?
Many thanks,
Kathryn (Mum)



Hiya folks

I’ve managed to get a few photos onto the website. I started with the Evaburn page, cos I’ll only get into trouble with myself if I mess it up, but have also put a couple of pictures on the Sparx page.

Please have a look and tell me what you think.

Also, tell me if you’ve got any pictures you think could be added.

See you soon.


hello people!


Hiya my lovelies.

How are we all? I wanted to ask you a favour that will cost you nothing and help a charity!

In February I’m going to Haiti for two weeks with the charity Haiti Hospital Appeal (see which is obviously well exciting and hopefully something you’ll hear more about before I go.

So, as Christmas is coming, and being the modern techies we all are many of us will no doubt be partaking in some shopping via the medium of the web.

If you are planning to buy any Christmas presents on-line this year, if you start from the site, and link from there to your favourite sites (Amazon, Marks & Spencer,, HMV etc) and buy as you normally would. You get the same discounts and offers, but as you started from the Haiti web shop, the Haiti Hospital Appeal will receive a donation from the site you purchase from – for free!

Money for nothing – well just for starting from our little web shop site. Please give this a try!

And, just to clarify, it doesn’t just work on Christmas presents. So, if you’re not the present kind of person, just shop for yourself it will still work! Yay! It also works on presents for dogs, people who play golf and grandma’s!

As for me, I’m working nights to get money to go to Haiti (and maybe get a decent bathroom if I’m lucky!) So I’m kinda not doing much else!!! (Though I have had my hair cut.)
My friend and Vicar has moved away with his family to Hull so that’s a bit sad and will make church very different.

Today, the sun is out in Manchester. Isn’t that lovely!!! Shame I’ll probably be going back to bed before starting work at 11pm tonight. Word up Johnny P!

Love and hugs to all,



by Colin Dexter

Don’t forget that Sunday 11th November will be a morning when we think & pray about the missions we support.